Monday, December 22, 2008

All she wants for Christmas is..

Poor L!! She woke up at 3:30 crying about her ear hurting.....I put antibiotic drops in her ear, gave her a dose of Motrin, gave her a dose of Mucinex...warmed up a washcloth to hold on her ear...fixed Ramen noodles at 4:30 in the morning....let her watch a little tv....came back upstairs to go to bed.. NOT HAPPENING...
She was in such pain....we tried to sleep in my bed...nope...she wanted to move to her bed...nope...she kicked, flipped and flailed, hit her ear, pulled it, cried, screamed..NOTHING...She and I both finally fell back asleep around 7:15/30ish....I woke up at 8:30 to call her woke her up.:(...She was in such pain...both ears were bothering her!!!
Poor girl..she was MiSeRaBlE!!!!
She couldn't be seen until 10:20, but we got there at 10:00 ...hoping we could get in a bit earlier.......I don't think getting there early got us in before 10:20..I think it was her screaming, crying, and rolling on the floor in pain that helped.:)
Poor little puffy eyes!

SO, after a dose of Motrin, antibiotic ear drops, and an oral antibiotic..fever is still there...the screaming has stopped...the ears are calm...for now..and I am about to put her down for a nap.....keep your fingers crossed!!

1 comment:

Me said...

poor potato...she looks just miserable!i hope she starts feeling better before wednesday!