Saturday, October 10, 2009

Being a songwriter is exhausting...

Friday 10/8
Friday was a lazy day at home...and we needed it...L always asks "what do I have today?" she was excited to stay at home....until her evening soccer class. SO...she took advantage of being at home, and her playroom....funny how I was cleaning it, while she was playing..since there was more room to play...hhmmm...She decided she would write a song....I didn't notice the song until I put the piano back on the shelf......What do you think of the song??

And this is something that RARELY happens anymore...I told her since she had soccer..and got up early...she would need to have some rest time......She was out within a few minutes...and slept for over 2 hours....I guess all of the playing and song writing wore her out!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a kid!!